Sunday, February 16, 2020

What kind
Of God
Makes a world
Like this
Lost in the dark?

How’s it
Good news
That we’re all
Born damned
Right from the start?

I tried escaping
I quit believing
And left Him behind

Freed from His judgment
Who could condemn us
Or cast us aside?

But in that light
I stood in the silence
And found that the darkness
Was growing inside

What kind
Of father
Offers up
His son
For his enemies?

How is
It right
That He just
Such awful things?

I tried explaining
Because I still want to live in
A world full of grace
But who gets acquitted
When all men are felons
And victims the same?
I just can’t say
How mercy and justice
Can still be consistent
And both have their way
Sometimes the truth
Feels more like a person
And maybe I'd love you
If we ever met.

God if You hear me
I’m giving up now
Because I’m out of answers
And I've got nothing else
If You come to visit
I’d sit and listen
I won’t disagree You
Can speak for Yourself

Just speak to me!